Tag Archives: databases

MYSQL: Get Flag Emoji Unicode from ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes

Today I had to figure out the most efficient way to generate Emoji from ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country codes such as US, GB, etc. I opted to go for a for 100% SQL solution.

The most efficient way to convert each ASCII letter to their Unicode Regional Indicator Symbol Letter that I determined is provided below (simplified)…

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How to Move a Domain Between BlueHost Accounts

Save yourself the trouble and don’t bother asking BlueHost support when you run into a problem trying to assign a domain from one BlueHost account to another. They misinformed us about more than a few aspects and the notices displayed on the page when the assignment encounters a problem is not very intuitive.

First things first: If you are using BlueHost for email and have your email program configured for IMAP, you have a bit of work ahead of you.

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