Fractions to Decimal Conversion Table

Since I deal a lot with designing artwork in US measurements (fractions) using Illustrator and Photoshop, more often than not I have to break out a calculator to determine the decimal value of a fractional measurement.

Lets say I need to create a document that is 4 inches wide by 3 7/16 inches high. Obviously 4 inches needs no conversion, but then you have the 3 7/16 inches measurement. First you take 1, divide it by 16, then multiply the result by 7… what a pain.

So I have thrown together a quick reference guide that start at 1/64 and goes up to 63/64 with each variation in between. Bookmark or print this page to save a copy for your own personal reference. The most common fractions for my purposes are outlined in bold.

Fraction to Decimal Conversion Chart
1/64 0.01563 17/64 0.26563 33/64 0.51563 49/64 0.76563
1/32 0.03125 9/32 0.28125 17/32 0.53125 25/32 0.78125
3/64 0.04688 19/64 0.29688 35/64 0.54688 51/64 0.79688
1/16 0.0625 5/16 0.3125 9/16 0.5625 13/16 0.8125
5/64 0.07813 21/64 0.32813 37/64 0.57813 53/64 0.82813
3/32 0.09375 11/32 0.34375 19/32 0.59375 27/32 0.84375
7/64 0.10938 23/64 0.35938 39/64 0.60938 55/64 0.85938
1/8 0.125 3/8 0.375 5/8 0.625 7/8 0.875
9/64 0.14063 25/64 0.39063 41/64 0.64063 57/64 0.89063
5/32 0.15625 13/32 0.40625 21/32 0.65625 29/32 0.90625
11/64 0.17188 27/64 0.42188 43/64 0.67188 59/64 0.92188
3/16 0.1875 7/16 0.4375 11/16 0.6875 15/16 0.9375
13/64 0.20313 29/64 0.45313 45/64 0.70313 61/64 0.95313
7/32 0.21875 15/32 0.46875 23/32 0.71875 31/32 0.96875
15/64 0.23438 31/64 0.48438 47/64 0.73438 63/64 0.98438
1/4 0.25 1/2 0.5 3/4 0.75

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