Here is a calculator (requires JavaScript) to convert Xbox Live Microsoft Points into USD (dollars) and vice versa.
Simply enter an amount into either field and the conversion is automatic.
PS: If you leech my code, at least link to me for credit 😉
Just a quick FYI, I had to change up the code a bit to get WordPress to stop causing conflicts with my code. The converter should work fine now 😉
Handy tool, thanks for making this available to the public!
No More Secrets!
Thanks for this! It’s super helpful! My kids are always wanting to buy games, and I was in the dark until I found your site. 🙂
I am so glad that they are finally changing over to dollar amount instead of their dumb point system! Thanks for the site, though, helped me a lot over the past year or so!
Same here, glad fellow gamers got some good use out of this little tool.
I think this is off if 5000 equals $5 now.
As far as I can tell it is still accurate… $5=400,$10=800,$25=2000… Not sure where you’re buying the points, but they are not the standard price. Points are going bye-bye anyhow in favor of normal currency transactions, so there’s really no point in maintaining the tool in my opinion.