Category Archives: Modules

How to Find Your Payeezy FirstData GGe4 Credentials for Payment Module Settings

My most common request for help stems from the following error…

Error 4025: Invalid credentials
The credentials supplied in the authorization request are invalid.

This error indicates you are using the wrong credentials for the transaction server selected in your payment module’s settings. It can also indicate FirstData has not enabled web transactions for your terminal. Continue reading

Add Hints to Custom Fields in Open Cart 2.x

We have published a new extension that allows you to add a “hint” for your custom field at Account and Address locations.

More details:

The name of a custom field is often not enough to inform a customer what the entry is for or the required format. This extension gives you an extra field to better describe the purpose and validation requirements for all of your custom fields. The field hint is displayed in all relevant guest and customer forms. See the images included on this page for examples.

New Open Cart 2.0 Module: Allowed by Country, State / Region or Geo Zone

This new access-restriction module is intended to allow only visitors from desired regions access to your storefront.

Now, if you want to block a specific country or zone, try our zone blocking module instead.

Both modules are limited to 1,000 unique IP requests per day or less. We have taken measures to ensure unnecessary geo-location requests do not occur for the same IP/browser-session. Once geo data has been obtained, it will not be checked again for the same browser/device for 30 days.