Tag Archives: bootstrap

How to Continue Using Buttons with “data-loading-text” in Bootstrap 4 with jQuery

While converting a Bootstrap 3 template design for use with Bootstrap 4, I noticed they removed stateful buttons (eg: “loading” and “reset” button states) from BS4! Granted it was mentioned in BS3, but I never noticed the deprecated warning 🙁

The deprecated code for showing a button’s loading state was $('#selector').button('loading') and to return the button to its original state you would use  $('#selector').button('reset') .

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Add Mouse Wheel Support to Bootstrap Carousel with jQuery

I was adding mouse wheel events to a ul element with the CSS rule overflow:hidden to emulate mouse wheel scrolling when no scrollbar was present.

The links in the unordered list also trigger a Bootstrap 4.1 Modal that contains a Bootstrap Carousel. So I decided to add the same functionality to my modal carousel gallery.

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Toggle Password Display in HTML5 with jQuery

Do you have  a password field that the user wants to be able to view at the click of a button? Here is the solution I came up with to handle that need…

The field…

<div class="input-group">
  <input type="password" name="password" value="P@$$w0rD" placeholder="Password" id="input-password" class="form-control" required>
  <span id="view-password" class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-eye" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>

The javascript… Continue reading