Category Archives: Code Snippets

Here you will find various snippets and code examples that I have used to make some thing in my life a little easier to deal with.

Caps Lock Alert for Password Input Fields

<input type="password" id="password">
<span id="warning" style="display:none;color:#c00">[Caps Lock]</span>
document.getElementById("password").addEventListener("keyup", function(event) {
  document.getElementById("warning").style.display = (event.getModifierState("CapsLock")) ? "inline" : "none";
Excel VBA

VBA EXCEL: Mirror Comments to Matching Cells of Another Spreadsheet in the Same Workbook

I have an Excel workbook with 13 protected sheets, January through December plus a Summary that needed the same cell comments for each month.

There were 2 options…

  • Type comments into each sheet manually; then update 11 sheets (Feb-Dec) by hand whenever comments need changing 😬
  • Add VBA code to the workbook that automatically duplicates cell comments from January (unprotected) to February through December (protected) when those sheets are activated 😎
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Add Pattern Support for HTML5 Input Type Number with jQuery

Ran into an issue earlier today that I could not figure out and ended up asking my second question on StackOverflow in seven years.

I was trying to use <input type="number" pattern="[0-9]{8}"> to enforce 8-digit numbers while allowing leading zeros. This was being done on an optional field (no required attribute) and I could not understand why it was bypassing my pattern on the populated field (eg: value “1234” was accepted, pattern ignored).

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How to Continue Using Buttons with “data-loading-text” in Bootstrap 4 with jQuery

While converting a Bootstrap 3 template design for use with Bootstrap 4, I noticed they removed stateful buttons (eg: “loading” and “reset” button states) from BS4! Granted it was mentioned in BS3, but I never noticed the deprecated warning 🙁

The deprecated code for showing a button’s loading state was $('#selector').button('loading') and to return the button to its original state you would use  $('#selector').button('reset') .

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Add Mouse Wheel Support to Bootstrap Carousel with jQuery

I was adding mouse wheel events to a ul element with the CSS rule overflow:hidden to emulate mouse wheel scrolling when no scrollbar was present.

The links in the unordered list also trigger a Bootstrap 4.1 Modal that contains a Bootstrap Carousel. So I decided to add the same functionality to my modal carousel gallery.

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MYSQL: Get Flag Emoji Unicode from ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Codes

Today I had to figure out the most efficient way to generate Emoji from ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country codes such as US, GB, etc. I opted to go for a for 100% SQL solution.

The most efficient way to convert each ASCII letter to their Unicode Regional Indicator Symbol Letter that I determined is provided below (simplified)…

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Create a Windows Batch (.bat) File to Test Your Internet Connectivity

I have been having issues with my ISP‘s WiFi router, so I decided to create a batch file I could run as-needed to check internet connectivity.

@echo off
set "router="
set /p "router=Enter router IP address or press [ENTER] for default [%router%]: "
@ping %router% -n 1 | FIND "Reply"
@ping -n 1 | FIND "Reply"
@ping -n 1 | FIND "Reply"
echo Press any key to exit...
pause >nul

Save that as `ping.bat` and put in somewhere convenient. Then…

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SEO URLs for OpenCart Using a “web.config” File on Windows IIS Server

I always suggest Linux hosting for any OpenCart installations. The main OC developers either don’t know much about Windows IIS or neglect to include the necessary SEO URL configuration file for it to work.

This omission results in “not found” 404 (dead link) errors when you visit a page with an SEO URL assigned after enabling SEO URLs in your OpenCart store settings.
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PHP Function to Sum or Concatenate Associative Array Values

Here is a quick function I created to merge multiple arrays and sum or concatenate the values thereof. If the values are numeric they will be added together (sum). Otherwise the values will be appended to each other (concatenation).

function arrayMergedSumConcat() {
	$out = array();

	$num_args = func_num_args();
	$arg_list = func_get_args();
	for ($i = 0; $i < $num_args; $i++) { $in = $arg_list[$i]; foreach ($in as $key => $value) {
			if (isset($out[$key])) {
				if (is_numeric($in[$key]) && is_numeric($out[$key])) {
					$out[$key] += $in[$key];
				} else {
					$out[$key] .= $in[$key];
			} else {
				$out[$key] = $in[$key];
	return $out;

Stop Annoying favicon.ico 404 errors

If you’re like me, you don’t like cluttering your main folder with unnecessary files. This is why I hate that some browsers are still looking for ‘favicon.ico’ in the main folder even when you indicate in <head> that’s not where the agent should be looking…

Here is a way to eliminate those PITA 404’s from your error logs… Continue reading