Tag Archives: windows

Create a Windows Batch (.bat) File to Test Your Internet Connectivity

I have been having issues with my ISP‘s WiFi router, so I decided to create a batch file I could run as-needed to check internet connectivity.

@echo off
set "router="
set /p "router=Enter router IP address or press [ENTER] for default [%router%]: "
@ping %router% -n 1 | FIND "Reply"
@ping google.com -n 1 | FIND "Reply"
@ping bing.com -n 1 | FIND "Reply"
echo Press any key to exit...
pause >nul

Save that as `ping.bat` and put in somewhere convenient. Then…

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How to Uninstall a Program on Windows 7 (with pictures)

Most applications for Windows 7 use an installation program such as Windows Installer to install the application in the system.

Windows Installer ensures that installed programs can be easily removed from the system. Under no circumstances should you simply delete the program folder of the application. Doing so would leave numerous files and registry entries in the system, which could compromise operating system stability. Continue reading