Excel VBA

VBA EXCEL: Mirror Comments to Matching Cells of Another Spreadsheet in the Same Workbook

I have an Excel workbook with 13 protected sheets, January through December plus a Summary that needed the same cell comments for each month.

There were 2 options…

  • Type comments into each sheet manually; then update 11 sheets (Feb-Dec) by hand whenever comments need changing 😬
  • Add VBA code to the workbook that automatically duplicates cell comments from January (unprotected) to February through December (protected) when those sheets are activated 😎
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Add Pattern Support for HTML5 Input Type Number with jQuery

Ran into an issue earlier today that I could not figure out and ended up asking my second question on StackOverflow in seven years.

I was trying to use <input type="number" pattern="[0-9]{8}"> to enforce 8-digit numbers while allowing leading zeros. This was being done on an optional field (no required attribute) and I could not understand why it was bypassing my pattern on the populated field (eg: value “1234” was accepted, pattern ignored).

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How to Continue Using Buttons with “data-loading-text” in Bootstrap 4 with jQuery

While converting a Bootstrap 3 template design for use with Bootstrap 4, I noticed they removed stateful buttons (eg: “loading” and “reset” button states) from BS4! Granted it was mentioned in BS3, but I never noticed the deprecated warning 🙁

The deprecated code for showing a button’s loading state was $('#selector').button('loading') and to return the button to its original state you would use  $('#selector').button('reset') .

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Add Mouse Wheel Support to Bootstrap Carousel with jQuery

I was adding mouse wheel events to a ul element with the CSS rule overflow:hidden to emulate mouse wheel scrolling when no scrollbar was present.

The links in the unordered list also trigger a Bootstrap 4.1 Modal that contains a Bootstrap Carousel. So I decided to add the same functionality to my modal carousel gallery.

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How to Determine Your LiveZilla Version Number

I am a long-time user of LiveZilla, primarily due to the availability of a Windows app. Aside from some minor quirks here and there, my biggest complaint is not being able to find the version in the Windows/web management user-interface. When I’m looking for the version, it’s usually to see if I’m running a relatively current release (fairly common administrator task).

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Use jQuery Without Loading Scripts in Document

So, I was working on a new theme for an OpenCart store I manage. Since creating it from scratch, I decided to adhere to suggestions from Bootstrap, Google and others that advise loading content-blocking scripts at the bottom of the page instead of in the <head>.

Of course, I ran into the same problem that probably has you reading this article.

How the hell am I supposed to use ‘jQuery’ or ‘$’ before the library is loaded?! Short answer, you can’t. You can however get around the problem with this solution.

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